Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fantastic Breadmaker Rolls-Debbie and Mom

1 c Milk
1/4 c butter (half stick)
Heat in microwave for 1 minutes.
Pour in breadmaker, Add:
1 tsp. salt
1/4 c sugar
3c flour
1 egg
2 tsp rapid yeast

Run on dough cycle. When finished roll into a circle on a floured surface. Spray with pan spray to avoid sticking. Cut into 16-20 pieces (like pizza). Roll into rolls and make sure "tail" is tucked under roll. Spray pan or cover with parchment paper. Cover and allow to rise for 30 minutes. Bake at 350 degrees for 13 minutes (more for lower altitudes). Delicious, light, fluffy, sweet rolls.

This recipe is also great to use when making cinnamon rolls.
Or make into bread sticks, spread with butter and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar when finished baking. Then dip in cream cheese icing.
I have also even made a jalepeno cheese bread. I rolled the dough out, chopped it up in 1x2 inch chunks, sprayed the pieces with pan spray and mixed with jalepeno and sharp cheddar cheese chunks and bake until cooked clear through. You can tell when a pan of bread is finished when you lick your finger and touch the bottom of the pan and it sizzles back.

Very versatile, easy and delicious bread recipe.

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